Tortang Kasag


If there was one dish that I would say is my all time favorite, it doesn't matter if I'm allergic to shellfish or that it takes a lot of time to shell these things, crab is my Achilles' heel. 

Whenever there is crab on the table, my family knows that I need to sit down and deshell the crabs on my plate before I can start eating. There was even a time that my cousins would sit next to me, as they know I would be deshelling a lot of crabs, and they only need to reach out into my plate and get some after, much to my dissatisfaction.

So it is always a good day when I see tortang crab on the menu, as that means I do not need to spend at least an hour deshelling the crab before I could eat.

To cook:

1. Clean your crabs by brushing the shell under running water. Make sure you clean the nook and cranny.

2. Boil water, then add the crab to cook. You can use Sprite to boil the crab to make it taste sweeter (?) 

3. Once the crab has cooled down, remove from shell. Make sure to save the cap.

4. Mince garlic, onion, parsley, and carrots. You can also add potato.

5. Saute the garlic and onion in oil.

6. Add the shelled crab. Cook for 1 minute.

7. Add the minced carrots.

8. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 

9, Cook for another minute, then let cool.

10. Get the crab cap and fill with cooked crab. Do not pack too much.

11. In a separate bowl, whip 3 eggs.

12. Soak the crab in the egg before dropping in oil to fry.
